Welcome to our Blog
Every month we intend to use this format to recap Proptech related content that has caught our attention and offer brief commentary on emerging themes or trends we are seeing the marketplace.
To kick off 2022, we would be remiss to not mention the Metaverse and our interest in building a presence therein. Virtual worlds are nothing new and I personally remember spending hours in front of the computer screen adventuring with The Avatar (ironic name in hindsight) through the world of Pagan circa Ultima VIII (1994). However, until recently these virtual worlds have largely been the domain of gamers and tech enthusiasts. Today – Maybe. Just maybe – the metaverse is ready to go mainstream due to the convergence of both technology (AR/VR/Defi/NFTs) and lived experiences (Covid lockdowns).
If so, it represents a massive opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors alike; a new frontier of development potential with essentially no physical boundaries. Yes, there is lots of hype and hope at the moment, but we are committed to having a “seat at the table” and so we have made two internal decisions: 1. Actively pursue early-stage investment opportunities in the space where we see specific Proptech functionality (e.g. land ownership, design & construction, property management, buy/sell transactions) and 2. Build a virtual presence ourselves as GroundBreak Ventures to thoroughly understand the practicalities, the limitations and the opportunities. There’s nothing more effective than learning by doing. Keep an eye out for updates and further thoughts as we explore.
GroundBreak Ventures Team