McDonald's Files Trademark For Metaverse-Based 'Virtual Restaurant'
McDonalds is filing various trademarks for a virtual restaurant, along with other major brands like Panera, Sketchers and Walmart. Add to this companies like JP Morgan and PwC building virtual lounges into Decentraland and Sandbox, and you see a major movement of large corporations beginning to dip their toe into these digital waters. The eyes and wallets of the world are undeniably focused on the metaverse right now, and it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine most major brands jumping on this bandwagon to avoid missing the gold rush. But for this to resonate with customers, these brands need to focus on adding an experiences that are best experienced in this medium that supports and/or builds up new dimensions of their brand. Food is best experienced live, and financial services are well-experienced online or outsourced entirely - I don't think anyone goes to a fast food restaurant or a bank for the lounge...